ARC Partnering with BTS Center


ARC (A Creative Collaborative for Theopoetics) is now partnering with the BTS Center (the organizational successor to Bangor Theological Center). Here is their statement:

We first met the folks at The BTS Center as a result of their support of our collaboration with The Sanctuaries in Washington, D.C. That meeting was the first of a number of connections which culminated with the board members of The Center and ARC coming to agreement that there was some significant shared vision between us both, and that there was some work we could do together. The BTS Center is a Maine-based nonprofit whose mission it is β€œto catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership.” They are interested in innovation in models of theological education and the support of rising leaders, issues to which ARC is firmly committed. To read more about our connection with The Center, see our announcement here.